Pilgriming through the Valley of Weeping

I had the privilege of preaching through Psalm 84 this past Sunday with my faith family at Westwood. A significant portion of the Psalm offers the perspective of the people of God making what many believe to be a festive pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. The completion of this journey offered the opportunity for... Continue Reading →

Idolatry & The Shack

To create a physical representation of the invisible God is to seek to render understandable that which is too great for our understanding. And when we do this, we inevitably diminish God. Always. And we do this in our own image, in our own likeness, in an attempt to portray God in the way we wish for others to see him. This is a serious violation of the person of God. Indeed, as many have written about the book The Shack, much can be said about the way that God is misrepresented.

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