Driscoll on Idolatry

At the Advance 09 conference in Durham this past weekend, Mark Driscoll presented one of the best talks that I've heard in some time. I know that it was the most complete portrait of idolatry I have ever heard, at least. He spoke to a packed auditorium of ministers, so he especially defined different forms... Continue Reading →

Holiness and Anger

One of the most difficult feelings to express by a Christian is anger. How in the world can we be really mad at something, and at the same time express that anger in a way that is not sinful? I have to admit that this is something that is very hard to do for me.... Continue Reading →

12-year-old’s Extrordinary Speech

I received an email containing a link to this video today and was just blown away by it. This young, 12-year-old girl decided to make this speech despiter her teachers' strong opposition to the topic. I am amazed at her poise and ability to clearly defend her position. I think she has already on display... Continue Reading →

Some Thoughts on Modesty

When it comes to issues of modesty, I used to give most girls the benefit of the doubt (emphasis on most, never all). I used to remind myself that girls just don't see things as guys see them and simply chalk it up to girls just being naive. Girls are just trying to look cute,... Continue Reading →

His strength made perfect in weakness…

...as seen in the life and ministry of Steven Curtis Chapman. This is a song that is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. Even as it was first written, it is an incredible declaration of perspective that we so desperately need to hear...and often. However, after the death of his adopted daughter earlier this year,... Continue Reading →

The "pregnancy pact"

I found and read this article today and simply have no words. Just read it. Something has to be done to wake these young girls up. Passing out contraceptives is not the answer. I think that even the most liberal people have to begin to see the logic in this conclusion. I really would like... Continue Reading →

Spring Renewal

*I can't believe it's been a month since I posted. With so much going on I have not been a very good blogger lately.*This past Sunday evening and Memorial Day Monday our student ministry had its first annual Spring Renewal weekend retreat. Even though this year's event is on a much smaller scale than I... Continue Reading →

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