I am what I love??

A brief series of thoughts on stewardship/giving. Part 3: I am what I love? At our panel discussion on Sunday I offered this thought: We are not so much pushed along in life by what we know, but rather pulled about by what we love. Allow me first to properly attribute that thought to James... Continue Reading →

What do you Treasure?

A brief series on stewardship. Part 2: What do you Treasure? During his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus turned his attention to the idea of what we choose to treasure... Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for... Continue Reading →

Giving (Necessarily) Shapes Our Hearts

Choosing to rise and follow Jesus while at the same time remaining at all seated in our old pattern of life is not an option. To rise and follow Jesus is to rise from the reality of a crucifixion of the old man shaped by his old ways to follow him as the Way, the Truth, and the (new) Life.

The Disturbance of ‘the Way’

When anything other than Jesus becomes our hope (or our wealth, security, sufficiency, completeness, joy, safety, etc...), whatever we have replaced him with has become an idol. And when we place anything on that throne, we will defend it. We will justify it. We will protect it. We will cease to allow the gospel to confront it. We will hang a Do Not Disturb sign on it. As Gerald said on Sunday, "Our idols will always make demands of us."

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