Spiritual Maturity as The Full Expression of Knowing God

"The central prayer that Paul offers for these brothers and sisters, that the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened through the work of the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation to know three specific spiritual realities, would only take place within the context of a growing knowledge of God. Growing in a knowledge of God is the prerequisite, and it is one that I'm afraid that we largely neglect in our culture."

Living as Exiles in a Foreign Land

I had the honor of preaching yesterday at my church, Westwood.  Our pastor has been faithfully walking us through the Book of Isaiah.  Last Sunday we arrived in chapter 28.  Peter quotes a portion from this chapter in the second chapter of his first letter: "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone... Continue Reading →

What to do about ‘Noah’

I've read several reviews of the upcoming movie 'Noah.' All I have read confirms exactly what I thought would be the case, that is that the movie does not at all convey the Scriptural story of the historical Noah, the story of the Ark God commanded him to build, or the story of the flood... Continue Reading →

Should my child participate?

How should believers go about deciding what extra-curricular activities their children should participate in? How relevant is this question to every believing parent!? I have heard this debated and heard so many very strong opinions on the matter. Basically, I have encountered two extremes, though, in which almost everyone seems to belong. First, there are... Continue Reading →

No Little Disturbance

As I have thought about and prayed for so many brothers and sisters around the world who face intense persecution, my mind has brought me back to a verse in Acts that I love. About that time there arose no little disturbance concerning the Way. (Acts 19:23) A couple of years ago, I had the... Continue Reading →

A Somber Anniversary

Today marks a somber anniversary for our country.  I have reflected this morning on all the painful memories this day stirs each year in the hearts of so many people. It marks the anniversary of watching domestic airliners plunge into buildings holding thousands of people. It marks the anniversary of standing around televisions with friends... Continue Reading →

Gospel Transformation: Genuine Friendship

*This current series of posts seeks to answer the question, "What should gospel transformation actually look like in our fallen culture?" Because of the internal transformation of the Spirit that takes place in the life of the believer, Christians should be the very best friends anyone in the world could possibly have. This thought is... Continue Reading →

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